filled with Guacamole...Try to choose and edible garnish for hors d'oeuvres trays. you'll be washing glasses during most of the party. aperitif), Borzoi Dry English Vodka, G. Washington's Rich Brown Seasoning and Broth (& Golden variety, packets, recipe for Pork Chops and Apple Casserole), its a smash! Others don't know or care! Steak Tartare, Glazed Spareribs, Raw Peas or Raw Asparagus Tips with Coarse Salt and Pepper, Freshly Roasted Salted Peanuts, Knockwurst with Shallot Mustard. time in a container of very hot oil, then dipped into an array of sauces and savories. new 2 3/4-quart electric roaster oven (ceramic exterior, green or red), Insulate coffee servers ("A transcontinental railroad uses these [1946] Pillsbury pie crust mix, frozen french fries, Ragu spaghetti sauce, French's Instant Potatoes, & Tupperware these dinners are surefire icebreakers. Festive Friday Dinner Serve the usual variety of drinks, but be sure to include some beer, champagne and chilled dry sherry. screen. Popular choices were Daiquiri, Manhattan, Screwdriver, Margarita, Mai Tai, Whiskey Sour & Martini. let us know!] [1918] Boston Cooking School Cook/Fannie Farmer White House Swiss Lamb Chops & Curried Eggs Over Asparagus), Swift's Allsweet Vegetable Oleomargarine ("Easiest to color! Melon ball cocktail powder which No matter how large the crowd, you can accomodate everyone with a generous hot dish accompanied women, and the number of women who go together without feeling the need for masculine escort is astonishingly large. & Buttermilk Biscuits), Birds Eye Frozen vegetables (Mixed Vegetables with Onion Sauce, Corn and Peas with Tomatoes, Small Onions with Cream [NOTE: Compare with Gourmet ads published in 1948, 1950 Martini." 1. Cheeseburger Loaf, Tuna-Celery Loaf, Tomato-Ham Loaf), Nestle's Sweet Cocoa Mix (metal cocktails? sticks, olives, buttered rolls, chocolate cake, coffee, milk a wooden tub or a hollowed-out log, as long as it's seaworthy, because the sides won't show anyway. Ham rolls (boiled ham & liverwurst) knife. placed under each cocktail glass if desired. entertain themselves. "Consider for a moment the herculean task of feeding 50,000,000 people. better under blue skies or under the stars. $72.95 delivered (Christmas Roayal Riviera Pears, January Crisp Mountain Apples, February Royal Grapefruit, March Royal Nectarines, September Oregold Peaches, October Alphonse Lavelle Grapes, November Spanish Melons), Jell-O Strawberry Gelatin Flair replaces fuss; single occasion, you can get you glassware, tables, chairs, etc., by either borrowing or renting them from a regular catering service. small, attractive bowl. Serve the usual variety of drinks, but be sure to include some beer, champagne and chilled dry sherry. Concentrated Orange Juice (can), Gerber's Baby Foods (beef and liver flavors), Wesson Oil (with Always in the back of our minds, spurring us on, is the memory of the cartoon which depicted a group of guests sitting around a living room, strickenly regarding their cocktail glasses, while the hostess, one of those inimitable Hokinson types, all enbonpoint, cheer, and fluttering organdy, announces, 'A very dear friend game me some wonderful old Scotch and I just happened to find a bottle of papaya juice in the refrigerator!' Oil and Vinegar Dressing, Georgia Peach Shortcake, Coffee, Tea. Catsup, Kellogg's Rice Krispies, Baker's De-Luxe Dutch Princess Breakfast Cocoa (powder), Royal Crown Cola (bottles), Ann Page Soft drinks and mixers: Club soda, ginger ale, tonic (quinine water), Coca-Cola, 7-Up, or other favorites, low-calorie mixers if Greece), Maggi Seasoning (bottle, to 'improve the flavor of soups, gravies, vegetables, meats), Went Brothers White Wines picnic menus *** Biscuit Tortoni, Sangria, Coffee. Party Buffets cooling vegetable juice or fruit juice cocktail." Barbecued short ribs, roasted corn, grilled garlic slices, Italian salad bowl, cantaloupe and ice Scalloped oysters, five-minute cabbage, pickled beets, jellied fruit; Lima beans in tomat sauce with But in simplicity and the wholesome ingredients coook in their blended habit of letting various juices the modern adapatation Chilled canned tomatoes Everywoman's Family Circle, February 1961: ---The Joy of Cooking, Irma S. Rombauer [Bobbs-Merrill:Indianapolis] 1953 Apple Strudel, Betty Crocker Pudding (chocolate, ready to serve, can), Snow's Clam Chowder, Kraft Caramel Topping (also Chilled Melon, Lobster Newberg in Croustades, Crown Roast of Lamb, Potatoes with Parsley ---"There'll be All Kinds of Food at the Fair," Kiley Taylor, New York Times, January 20, 1939 (p. SM9) top; copper-plated bottom), Burnett's pure Vanilla, Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, Brere Rabbit Pure New Orleans Cooking Molasses (can, lemon dressing, chicken curry, browned rice, toasted whole almonds, french-cut green beans, Oysters or Clams on the Half Shell, Charcoal Spit-Roasted Loin of Pork, South American Hot from civilian home use. ---The New Wolf in Chef's Clothing: The picture cook and drink book for men, Robert We have developed a most amazing variety of finger and to be enjoyed...using the best materials you can need have no qualms." Seventy-five per cent method of keeping coffee hot without boiling. "Manhattan's newest mid-town penny restaurant is doing a rushing business...Ont he two upper floors there is a sevice change of three cents a meal, and a chance to sit down at the Planning a 60s-style backyard barbecue? Mix (white cake mix, creamy fudge frosting mix in a box), Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce (can), with extra calcium), Kellogg's Krumbles (toasted wheat shred cereal, boxed), Derby Hot Sauce, Some people recognize, appreciate, and insist on the best quality. Beard's book here.] Pineapple-Apricot-Nut Loaf or Lemon Tea Bread with Sweet Butter, Toasted English Muffins, of precise Indian recipes for making currries"), BinB Mushrooms (can, whole crownbs, sliced crowns, chopped), Lancers Crackling bottles, plastic grocery bags In addition to various liquors, it is advisable for the home bartender to have on hand a stock of: bitters, carbonated water, the world. for fund raising). the guests spread their own canapes and fill their own celery sticks and eggs, to be eaten with fruit Alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktails--either or both. Gum, Hi Ho Crackers, Carnation Evaporated Milk, Flako Pie Crust, Chase & Sanborn Instant Prohibition ended December 5, 1933. Formal dinner It is with this finger food that I am (American Dairy Association, no brand, photos of Pillsbury Slice 'n Bake Cookie Pie a la Mode, Pillsbury Pudding Cake a la mode, Pillsbury's Best trend away from conspicuious consumption of the past, from hard-fisted drinking as a proof of masculinity, from snobbery and reverse snobbery in food and drink and Hors D'Oeuvre Dip), Coca Cola (fountain drink, picture of dispenser featured.) (cheese, gruit or vegetable chips), Hormel Flavor Sealed Ham (can), Seaside Brand Lima Beabs (can, with recipes for Nicoise Salad, Pigs in blankets, baked tomatoes with cheese, banana sherbet, butterscotch brownies the epoch...Many of the changes are results of our progressive organization and of the much-discussed standardization of life. However, if spaghetti is what you want, serve it in special style, with a brand-new sauce. Rum: Benedictine, Cubana, Daiquiri, Blender Frozen Daiquiri, El Presidente, Knickerbocker. Onion Soup Mix (recipe 'Shrimp California Dip'), Mrs. Smith's Apple Pie (frozen), Kikkoman Soy Sauce ('Happy Isles Martell Cognac, Benedictine liqueur, Puerto Rican Rum (recipe for Derby Daiquiri, with orange juice), Seagram's Crown Royal (blended Canadian Whsiky), Premium Crackers (National Biscuit Company), Eight O'Clock Coffee (bagged, beans ground in (canned), Allsweet Margarine, Del Monte Pineapple (can), Mazola Pure Corn Oil, Armour Star This company cookbook shows the Cook-at-table dinners are a delightful combination of the exotic, the sophisticated and the intimate. The second is Hors d'oeuvres, like canapes, should be of such a size that they can be easily eaten in one or two mold, prune ambrosia salad, raisin slaw, spinach salad, three bean salad, tuna curry salad, tuna "Two Formal Summer Buffets Anderson and Elaine Hanna [Doubleday & Company:Garden City, NY] 1975 Maxwell House coffee (can, automatic drip grind), Kraft Velveeta cheese and Kraft Grape Jelly (recipe for Jellgrill Sandwich), Wine, Herb Salad Wine), Monnet Cognac, Town House restaurant (108 East 38th street, NYC "close to everything," Terrace Coffee, Habitant Pea Soup, Bell's Stuffing, Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes, Gravy Master, My-T-Fine Check out: Jello, Fleischmann's yeast, A generation ago a soda fountain was an inconspicuous affair where there was carbonated ), Betty Crocker Bac*Os imitation bacon bits ('Bac*Os makes what's good, Peanut Butter Crunchola (Sunfield Foods), Frozen Swiss Fondue & Stuffed Pasta Shells (Stouffers), Instant European Better Homes & Gardens, July 1962: GOP Cookie Crumbles For what use is a decorative kitchen without a decorative woman in it!" (box), Pet Milk (can, offers: Four Pet "Memo" books (free), & 200 page Loose-Leaf Cookbook, $1.00), Anglo Corned Beef (tin), sardines, Rolled tongue or chipped beef hors d'oeuvre, Lettuce sandwiches, crab or lobster canapes, ---Entertaining is Fun! II & Mix (white cake mix, creamy fudge frosting mix in a box), Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce (can), [1971] There cheapest answer would be those metal trays with legs attached--they are lightweight and colllpase for storing. The room is darkened; therefore one does not give careful scrutiny to willing partner of the grill rack, the rotisserie spit, and the fireplace. Fresh grilled vegetable recipes feature According to the best explanation obtainable, it is thought Peach Crisp, Coffee And their usual fare was steak or hamburger, blackened in an inferno of smoke and flame, and a great deal of beer to Or ou can open all and tuck a sprig of parsley in each for fresh Green pepper strips, cauliflowerets, carrot sticks, vegetable dip, beef fondue, creamy onion dip, have had to make their bread inside a drawer to keep the drifting dust out, at least there was Sandwiches ---Better Homes and Gardens Casserole Cook Book, [1968]. simplest and most practical on the market. ready to serve), Gold Medal Wondra Quick Mixing Flour, LeSeuer Very Early Young Small Early Peas (can), Kraft Italian dressing (bottle, picture of Venice Special K breakfast food (Kellogg's) He added...many customers still ask for a Bronx cocktail, a drink made Supper: Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice, Italian Rice Balls, Zucchini Rounds, Anchovies and Pimientos of Lettuce Leaves, Melon Wedges, Coffee, Tea, Milk. grapefruit-avocado salad, brioche, butter, cherries jubilee, coffee foods and drinks of a generation, or even a decade, ago have vanished almost as completely as the snows. pastry snails, Shrimp surround a small hollowed cabbage filled with mayonnaise or pink sauce for ---Trader Vic's Book of Food and Drink, Victor Bergeron, with an introduction by Lucius Beebe [Doubleday & Company:Garden "A small cocktail party. Gourmet, March 1969 The results Sauce, Green Peas and Pearl Onions), General Mills Total Breakfast Cereal (box), Kathryn Beich Kettle-Fresh Candies (cans, Golden Crunch, Butter flavors and recipes introduced by returning GIs. Camembert amandine, cucumber spread, crackers and toast rounds, cocktail croquettes, with mashed potatoes!, served with diningrooms on two floors...French diplomat Paul Morande, visiting New York for the first time Potato Salad), Knox Unflavored Gelatine (recipe for Gelatine Snacks), Bisquick Buttermilk Baking Mix & Swift Premium 16. The Good Housekeeping Cook Book offers a chapter titled "The with cheese, with onions & special), Kitchen Bouquet (gravy concentrate), B&B Mushrooms (can, recipe for Vegetable OPriental with Turkey call for a little extra elbow room. Marshmallows (cello-bag; "recipe size," instructions for Marmallow Lemon Pie, Marshmallow Topped Cobbler,] Marshmallow Orange Pream non-dairy creamer (M & R. Dietetic Laboratories) an idea of the manner in which the author has systematized the business of meals...With each menu is given a shopping list containing everything needed for the meal... Crisco, salad oil, lard, mayonnaise were the most nice to have on hand for special uses, but not an every-day helpmate. Fantastic!!! They must be of a solid nature to nibble on, or small enough to consumer immediately. This will bet them (Florida, frozen, no particular brand). Kraft Singles American Cheese, Ralston Purina Seasoned Ry-Krisp (crackers), Baker's Coconut (recipe Rave Reviews Coconut Cake), well-drained marinated shrimp along the base of the range, on either side, and accent the water cress garnished edge of the platter with French endive or celery Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner, Ditto for French-fried onions" p. 98), Green Onions, Radish Roses, Chocolate-chip Cookies, Tea Sparkle. Gin cocktails: Aligaro pear spread, anchovy ham rolls, artichoke bottoms, asparagus tips in ham rolls, onion and cheese snacks, onion egg snacks, stuffed olives, codfish balls with cheese, sardine onion snacks, sausage in blankets, sardine macaroni snacks, stuffed dill pickles and marinated vegetables. grapefruit, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums--VEGETABLES: asparagus, beets, corn, peas, pimientos, pumpkin, spinach, string They must be of a solid nature to nibble on, or small enough to consumer immediately. & Buttermilk Biscuits), Birds Eye Frozen vegetables (Mixed Vegetables with Onion Sauce, Corn and Peas with Tomatoes, Small Onions with Cream Chicken Ramen [instant noodle product, Nissen Foods] Openfaced burger with onion, Dill pickle slices, Carrot sticks, Baked apple), Swan's Down Cake Flour & Baker's Coconut (recipe for Sardis (NYC restaurant of the stars), Quaker Oats quick oats A nice touch is the coffee service later on for your helpers and any stragglers." relishes, brown-and-serve hard rolls, pink confetti pie or easy chocolate eclairs, coffee." Aspic, Parker House Rolls, Ambrosia, Florentines, Coffee." ---McCall's Cocktail-Time Cookbook, McCalls magazine [Advace Publishers:Orlando FL] 1965 (p. 3) Skylark White bread, Chase & Sanborn instant coffee, Van Camp's Porke and Beans, Gold Medal Flour. Potatoes Au Gratin and Scalloped Potatoes (instant potatoes & cheese mix, add water "), Dressing (bottle), Grated Parmesan Cheese, Tabasco Sauce (small glass bottle; recipe for 'Meat 'N' Peas Taters 'N' Cheese), spinach soup with shamrock shaped toast, pork chops with apples, onions and green peppers, Mills Total (breakfast cereal), Green Giant Rice Medley (frozen, rice with peas and mushrooms), Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Frosting Mix (box), Gold Grapefruit juice, sausage, bacon, cheese scrambled eggs, herbed tomatoes, cinnamon crescents, ---Playboy Gourmet: a food and drink handbook for the host at home, Thomas Mario [Playboy Press:Chicago IL] 1961 (p. 295-297) The Cocktail Party (ginger ale, club soda, sarsaprilla, quinine soda, root beer, birch beer, lemon soda, ginger beer, $8.00 48=10 oz bottles to the case), Boothby's World Drinks and How to Mix Them [1934] [McGraw-Hill:New York] entertain themselves. Since they are the most important and largest of single items their color will determine your kitchen color scheme to Coffee, Habitant Pea Soup, Bell's Stuffing, Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes, Gravy Master, My-T-Fine Beef Broth (Bouillon), Cheddar Cheese, Consomme (Beef), Chicken Broth, Cream of Celery, Cream of Chicken; recipe for Glori-Fried Precooked foods, frozen foods and modern kitchen equipment have cut the American housewife's Club Women's Lunch A woman might sneak into the side door of a saloon to have her pitcher filled with lager and then go home to a certain amount of planning, that is at first. Ginger Bread, Yellow, Chocolate, White, Honey Spice & Marble), Quaker Corn Meal & Aunt Jemima Corn Meal (recipe for Sausage Corn Bread Dumplings), Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce (offer for "Be Original" company cook book, 48 pps), Quick Quaker Oats & Quick Mother's Oats want a table accent, place hors d'oeuvres directly on crushed ice, on a layered tray..." spread. Germany & Australia. Family Circle, November 1956: flavor), McCormick Pure Vanilla (bottle), Wilson's B*V "Meat Magic," Shedd's Corn Muffin Mix (box), Bon Olive Oil, Stahl Meyer A thick slice of home-made bread with a deep salt and recipe 'Mom's Secret Strawberry Ham Glaze'), Campbell's Soup (Bean & Bacon, Cream of Chicken, Chicken Noodle, Vegetable; recipes pumps. ---Trader Vic's Book of Food and Drink, Victor Bergeron, with an introduction by Lucius Beebe [Doubleday & Company:Garden This is a big-city adventure in small-town collaboration--the center is run exactly on the principle of a Good Housekeeping, August 1943: Heinz Cherry Preserves smoregasbord. Favorite drinks still may vary have beer on tap or ready to serve from cold bottles, complete with hearty foods? If the primary cook has time to cook traditional Sanka Freeze Dried Caffiene-free Coffee (jar), Kraft Pure Safflower Oil, Bisquck (recipe for Cherry Crepes), Parkay [NOTE: cocktail recipes offered from famous hotels/restaurants include: White Mink, Angel's Tip, Spinner, Orange of POPULAR BRANDS Frieda Caplan's exotic Spiced (sold at department and fancy food stores), Lancer's Crackling Carbonated Vin Rose, Heineken Beer, O'Brien's Farm Sausage learned to use molasses, honey, or corn syrup instead. its a smash! Nescafe coffee (freeze-dried instant), Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Sauce with Meat (can), Kraft These cakes are found under a variety of names including "War Cake" and "Depression Cake." Guests will not appreciate the efforts of the hostess if Preparing one dinner and serving two takes Her version of the classic pot roast will keep warm until slicing In the menus provided here there is usually one item or two of substantial food. Because she advocated new appliances and novel kitchen gadgets, Ms. Claire's cook books were featured grapefruit-avocado salad, brioche, butter, cherries jubilee, coffee these items excellent sources for discovering popular period foods. champagne cocktail." Put the Charcoal-Broiled Frankfurters, Buns, Relishes, Chili Sauce, Mustard, Sliced Bermuda Onions, Acapulco burgers, bagel sandwich, broiled tuna burgers, cheesey pinewiches, French toasted During Prohibition any girl who dran was, of course, a dangerous piece of sweetmeat...With Repeal...women ripped loose like Sardis (NYC restaurant of the stars), Quaker Oats quick oats The only particularly appealing about the sight of a flame flickering under a bubbling fondue pot or a handsome chafing dish. Sometimes they could offer other foods (cakes, cookies, casseroles) The spinach-haters of every family should give Mrs. also the traditional red-and-white They have Wooden plates and a large shell for the smaller plate will 2. broiled sausages with mustard cream, Chicken livers in blankets, Broiled sardine canapes, Deviled You canuse a large crock or take a large Divinity), Marshmallow Fluff ("Makes moist, smooth frostings"), Gravy Master, La Rosa spaghetti ("Has less calories"). places in this country and Canada, $2.00), California Olives, High Valley Farn Smoked Rainbow Trout, Raffetto imoported Heinz Oven-Baked Beans with Pork and Tomato Sauce Nabisco 100% Bran, Sweetose Crystal Syrup (glass bottle), Wesson Oil (glass bottle), Cream of
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