Or perhaps the crushing weight of adversity and sorrow has made its presence felt too keenly upon a soul. Philosophy is not opposed to passion, feelings, emotion and imagination. Author of Shakespeare's Philosophy: Discovering the Meaning Behind the Plays, Colin I think this is a noble thought but one that carries great risk, especially if you put off the most important things in life to tackle tomorrow or even the ‘after-life’; when in the end, tomorrow (may) never comes. He finds integrity only in the state before the jump: in Shakespearean terms, an ego-teetering between being a “paragon of animals” and “quintessence of dust.” He counsels living with the absurdity of the life we perceive. Emerson says in The Poet, “Here we find ourselves, suddenly, not in a critical speculation, but in a holy place, and should go very warily and reverently.”. The perpetual now; where life is lived, the moment “to be”: the moment we; express who we are, can act to change course, can hope and dream. And on a broader scale, if society supports childbirth to sustain its own existence, then education and other investments in the future should be prioritised as a debt owed to the life that has been created. This Pessimistic stance leads Schopenhauer to another rather shocking conclusion – that human reproduction is morally reprehensible, and cannot be justified through reason. If I could have improved my childhood and youth, I would not have committed murder. Philosophy graduates often pursue careers in law, but are increasingly finding jobs in the tech sector, for example as programmers or data scientists, Yoshimi said. To be, or not to be. “Abyssus abyssum invocat” (abyss calleth unto the abyss): This is a quote from Psalm 42 and the title of a music album by the Polish extreme metal band Behemoth.A bit of silence, rather than rock music, is what is needed though, and perhaps Faust can come back to his senses by pausing for a moment. So I look again at the meaning of the comma and see it can be the “separation of two complete sentences: We went to the movies, and then we went out to lunch”. While walking my dog one afternoon, I noticed a cherry blossom tree in full bloom. But will we still experience a sense of life after death – especially since our sense organs will no longer have the capacity to work as we anthropocentrically perceive them to? The possible implications of quantum entanglement, universal sentience, parallel worlds, and a myriad other rabbits, beg to be chased. It was his aspiration to be an actor that first brought Silvan Rus to The University of Queensland. I added that her life might get better unexpectedly. To be or not to be? In fact, there is no ‘answer’ available to us, only a choice; and this choice is contingent on whether the ‘to be’ can attain (realise, etc) its purpose – whether understood as that revealed in scripture, as the final cause in Aristotle’s sense, as some personal construction, or the ideal of a thinking subject, and so on. Scorn its arbitrariness and commit to being happy. Like the blossoming of a ‘Sakura’ tree, our lives are unenduring. to be, better: to think better (to learn to be better), Perhaps best summed in latin, a motto I added to my business persona: Be Better, Think Better. It is not the same thing. "To be or not to be, that is the question Wether it is nobler in the mind To suffer the slings and harrows Of an outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of trubles And by opposing end them ? It is no wonder then that, in both fiction and reality, suffering sentient beings often curse their creators, who have damned them to an unfair existence – as exemplified in Shelley’s Frankenstein. Students who choose the new philosophy major at UC Merced — officially launched in the spring— will emerge with the broad foundations employers are seeking, including critical Yes, life is worth it if lived with lucidity, conscious of life’s absurdities, but rebelling against them. Cette interrogation que l’on trouve dans Hamlet , la tragédie éponyme de Shakespeare, exprime un doute absolu, dramatisé portant sur l’existence même. Yet the latter is not in itself bad, because there isn’t a person who is being deprived. An apprentice, and then a core artist with the Queensland Shakespeare Ensemble, Mr Rus used to come to UQ’s St Lucia campus for group rehearsals of … Philosophers. Hamlet’s trouble in asking his question is also an admission of having missed a particular life-purpose. Perhaps the saddest is those who dwell in the land of “not to be”; those nihilistic souls who decide that life is meaningless after all and so decide to live to excess in search of constant enjoyment only to remain unfulfilled. Hamlet: To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles He knew full well who he was, but what he was, he hadn’t a clue. The “discovery” of magnetic monopole in the spin-ice system did not turn elementary particle physics and ElectroMagnetism upside down, because while these “monopoles” have the same characteristics as the bare monopoles, they are only analogous to them. To be is a good. To be or not to be? It would not have been necessary. It is manifest in the clinging to life of the old and infirm whose time is short; and in the same clinging to life of the young and infirm whose time to suffer is long. According to a recent Forbes magazine article, tech companies throughout the U.S. have discovered something universities have known since they began: Liberal arts thinking makes employees stronger. It was strikingly beautiful, and I made a point of walking the same route every time I took the dog out, so that I could bear witness to the pink leaves that had left such an impression on me. Our true identity does not reside in the dry dusty bones of our family trees, but rather in the sum total of our own individual actions. Author of Shakespeare's Philosophy: Discovering the Meaning Behind the Plays, Colin And by opposing end them. I told Nancy (not her name) that she needed to stay in the world, that her presence, no matter how miserable for her, was nevertheless good and significant. It was a kind-of pastoral visit to an atheist. They linger on our horizon alongside another cause for concern: the certainty of death. To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Obsession: Existential and Philosophical OCD. Although we know some of our life-experiences will be painful, and are aware that love affairs and friendships end, and the people we love most may die in the course of our life, there is, arguably, still much to appreciate. It is also the time we experience fear and doubt. To be, or not to be. As we all know - Camus point was the absurdity of men looking for meaning in life, where there is none. analyst, strategist, activist, philosopher and poet — a guy, from England, dreaming of humanity. Life is therefore overall negative in nature. Eastern philosophical traditions argue that we confuse ‘being’ with egotistic thought and emotion; break free from these and you become aware, present, attentive to the present moment and non-reactive. A week or so passed, and I headed out on the same route: only this time, the tree stood bare. It is an outcome of depression, of schizophrenia, of alcohol or other drug abuse. Even if we do not go so far as Schopenhauer’s Pessimism, nor accept his conclusion that human reproduction cannot be justified, his argument should highlight to us the significance of childbirth and parenthood. "Un être humain n'est pas capable de produire en moins d'un quart d'heure (15 h 18 - 15 h 32) une telle logorrhée, aussi vide de sens et morphologiquement (All the while, I was frantically Facebooking to try to get through to her family.) In his Myth of Sisyphus, Camus calls this leap to belief in an afterlife a hope that transcends human understanding, an escape from reality that is akin to philosophical (that is, intellectual) suicide. To Be or Not To Be a Philosophy Major, that is the Question Bobcats Face July 25, 2018 According to a recent Forbes magazine article, tech companies throughout the U.S. have discovered something universities have known since they began: Liberal arts thinking makes employees stronger. Companies such as AncestryDNA and Ancestry.com lend their shovels to help us dig up our roots; but the deeper we go, the more we know that we are digging in the wrong place. I think few would argue that the evil was required in order to gain these goods. So evil only exists relative to some good. Unless existence is a good, then nothing is good. Hamlet knew that his mother’s self-centered happiness had cost him the throne, but he felt helpless to stand up for himself. With the awareness that one is bringing innocent life into an at times hostile world, parenthood is then a great duty. « To be or not be » ? Camus writes The Myth of Sisyphus towards much the same conclusion, encouraging us to battle on in an absurd world. By ending our lives, it may, strangely, seem that we are taking control over matters and deciding how to live (to not). The beloved Russian author Leo Tolstoy believed that untangling who we are from what we are is one of life’s greatest pursuits. Created May 2, 2012. It clearly contributes to the survival of one’s species. Eliot said in The Hollow Men: “Between the potency and the existence/Between the essence and the descent/Falls the Shadow.” All who meditate upon these koan-like recursive mysteries become ensnared in this speculative penumbra of potential solutions, not unlike the superposition of the photon before the wavefunction collapse. It is visibly operating in, for instance, conditions of slavery, where a continued existence in a degrading state of injustice, no liberty, scant pursuit of happiness, brutal punishment, and back-breaking labor, is still preferred to death. And what can a king stand for if he can’t stand up for himself? Either to feed the ego and move to/search/investigate the complementary non-ego, or to dissolve the “me-not me” dualism and accept to be the potential substance of everything, of anytime, of everywhere. I had a significant problem, though: Nancy is an atheist, who thinks that life has no objective meaning. However, there may be other options available aside from those two choices. Hamlet seems right when he says, “conscience makes cowards of us all.” Silenus, however, seems to be saying that it’s never worth living at all. I consider myself a Cloud specialist, not a DevOps specialist. "To be or not to be" c'est juste "vivre ou mourir". This article was initially published in the Fall 2013 edition of the OCD Newsletter. Therein, dear Hamlet, lies our true identity, and our strength to survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. ce "je" qui va revenir, non seulement ne peut être celui qui est mort, mais sera un "personnage" sans rapport avec celui qui est mort, une simple instanciation d'une Pensée identique à celle de Nietzsche, qui aura, elle aussi, conscience du fait que cette croyance en "je" est l'héritière de la croyance en l'âme. In practice, suicide is rarely the result of a process or reasoning, but rather of a loss of reason. Nevertheless, I had to keep typing. This site uses cookies to recognize users and allow us to analyse site usage. So what keeps you alive, and why? © Philosophy Now 2021. sum, ergo cognito; cognito, erit sum I had gotten through to her mother, who lived locally and she rushed to Nancy’s apartment. In this essay, a close reading of the context and meaning of this passage leads into an attempt to formulate a … Advances in medicine have enabled us, through psychiatric testing, to determine a person’s rationality in moments of extreme anguish, for instance, when a patient chooses euthanasia. Do you have any tips on how to get past nihilism? However, although many may hate their lives sometimes, few actually take their lives. To be, or not to be. To be is a good. If love is real, suicide is wrong. “The reasoning skills associated with philosophy naturally transfer to those domains. Camus wrongly reasons that the fundamental question of philosophy is whether or not life is worth living. These are goods which we especially recognize when they’re missing, in the bitter cold, or loneliness, or heartbreak. Let me try to answer the question by recounting a harrowing episode from three years ago. Philosophie; Vidéothèque; Sciences; I. you are posing a binary decision in regards to whether one should live or die (or perhaps something else). You can read four articles free per month. Growth that spirals in constant forward motion as light and time itself, not stuck in a moment, in a never ending circle in time. yunus 21 May 2015. Speech: “To be, or not to be, that is the question” By William Shakespeare (from Hamlet, spoken by Hamlet) To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer. Even in the brief respites when Will is not pushing us forward, there is little more than boredom. She was not doing well and threatened to end her life. Absurdity bursts forth from conflicting contemplations of self: body and/or consciousness, meaningful and/or meaningless, particle and/or wave, etc. It is to be. Ultimately, and however clichéd it sounds, that value, that meaning, is love. 58.9k. Camus should have consulted Mother Nature. He, like everyone else, cannot proceed to properly answer ‘To be or not to be?’ without having performed the necessary first step of making a positive identification of, and commitment to, why he is here. For Schopenhauer, all organisms are all driven by a Will to survive that often drives them into conflict, meaning that life is essentially suffering. We are apes, and if we kill ourselves it is not because reason has shown us the way, but because we have become temporarily wonky. Furthermore, there is perhaps a certain dignity gained by living through personal adversity. For me the purpose of life is simply to be. In this modern age of blended families and accumulated cultures, we struggle more than ever to know who we truly are. I gave her links to articles that might awaken her desire to live. I visited her in the psychiatric ward, because she asked to see me. Individuals with OCD are seen as people who either wash their hands too frequently, or who are super-organized and … In the developed world it is a leading cause of death in the unreasonable young. my philosophy of life. His philosophy was that our station in life merely describes us, whereas our actions define us. On Maxwell’s Demon and the Importance of Intelligence, Existential Choice in the Time of Trump: Conscience and Human Judgment, Law of Life: The Fallacy of your Insignificance. I may also kill my unreasonable and unjustified self. Students who choose the new philosophy major at UC Merced — officially launched in the spring— will emerge with the broad foundations employers are seeking, including critical Submission is permission to reproduce your answer physically and electronically. Unless existence is a good, then nothing is good. The punctuation, that simple “,”. I might question my continued existence in the face of terminal illness. However, a person embroiled in dreadful circumstances may not be in the optimal frame of mind to make the choice. Thomas Nagel agrees that if all life is pointless, then suicide is as pointless as anything else. Roquentin in Sartre’s novel Nausea confronts a world in which all action is pointless, and quickly deduces that suicide would be pointless by the same token. Some may say that philosophies which claim that life is not worth living, or that only a fear of death deters us from taking our lives, cheapen and degrade life. Attitudes in Western civilization started to shift from the Seventeenth Century: John Donne’s defense of suicide and David Hume’s critique of the Thomistic view of suicide were notable treatises. Issues surrounding non-existence are some of the oldest in philosophy and very much still with us today. Perhaps we should instead view it with anticipation. Posted on 11 janvier 2017 by . However, David Hume long ago taught us about the limits of reason for motivating action. Thought over the act of self-killing has persisted for millennia alongside entrenched religious anathema against it, as well as certain religions which require it on occasion, for example, in the immolation of widowed Hindus. It seems to be a representation of tragic angst, yet a consideration of the context of the speech reveals that “To be, or not to be” is actually a satire of philosophy and Shakespeare’s representation of the theatricality of everyday life. No one seriously raises that question except in uncommon, particular cases. Contemplating stuff. • R. Wisnovsky, “One Aspect of the Avicennian Turn in Sunni Theology,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (2001), 65-100. Res Publica (2010) 16:441–448 DOI 10.1007/s11158-010-9121-3 To be or not to be: Charles Beitz on the Philosophy of Human Rights Charles R. Beitz: The Idea of Human Rights. What is not good is evil, meaning that evil is the privation of good. Neither suicide nor deliberately sacrificing one’s life for another is evidence against the survival instinct. To know that another has suffered more than me and has endured it admirably – Jesus is a good example – may be a small comfort. Nature answered that question for us. So suicide is usually the consequence of an untreated illness; an illness that leads as surely to death as untreated cancer. Yet, many pundits have taken this dive and fashioned innumerable ‘answers’. And yet I daily preen myself, and in the day that follows night, I go out into the world. There still sometimes occurs the feeling that life is unbearable, that the sum total of good experiences surely cannot outweigh the bad ones. He is surely right to say that life is full of tribulations – “the thousand natural shocks” – and that we are often unable to avoid them. philosophy love of wisdom; the intellectual and ‘erotic’ path which leads to virtue and knowledge; the term itself perhaps is coined by Pythagoras; the Hellenic philosophia is a prolongation, modification and ‘modernization’ of the Egyptian and Near Eastern sapiential ways of life; philosophia cannot be reduced to … As long as these outweigh the pain and the suffering, then being is worth it. Perhaps best summed up in the words of Hamlet, as written by William Shakespeare: to be, or not to be: that is the question: As I sat here typing that very quote, the smallest of things caught my eye. I see the essence of life as growth: where the sum of the parts becomes more than the whole: as regeneration and re-use, and of co-operation to bring build and bring harmony to the chaos: of unity overcoming division; and of balance. To be or not to be? However, “To be, or not to be” is not what it seems to be. However, “To be, or not to be” is not what it seems to be. Creating another being is not something that should be undertaken lightly, and our reasons for doing so should be carefully considered, perhaps more than for any other act. In one sense, we will always be a part of this great flux of matter-and-energy existence; but the conscious decision to give place to being and/or non-being is one of preference not of certitude, for we cannot experience death amidst living awareness. « To be or not to be » : Peut-on ne pas être soi-même ?, Geneviève GINVERT. It is in us as a result of aeons of evolution. Hume thought that the our natural fear of death ensured that the person who chooses to commit suicide would only do so after substantial deliberation. None of us ever knows for sure what we are made of until we are tested. To be or not to be? And irrespective of the rights and wrongs of suicide, should we really fear death and what comes afterwards? Whoever Shakespeare was, he had a great mind, his skills with the written word far surpassing my own; he wouldn’t have made such a mistake. If we can learn to embrace our impermanent and absurd condition, we may, like Albert Camus, find within us an eternal summer. Such things are only important in terms of reference points along the way. However, the threat of extraneous factors affecting the decision always remains. It is only if you exist that you can have pleasure, joy and satisfaction. Carry on Sisyphus! We ensure our teams work in DevOps mode, going beyond the tools we put in place to the methods in which we work and iterate. In his book, The Gospel in Brief, Tolstoy concludes that our true identity comes down to one thing: our choices. Perhaps I stalled her long enough to make that possible. Rather, the evil was merely the occasion of these intangible goods, which could be acquired by anyone at any time. Bad seems to outweigh the good when you compare the latter with the former, so that if we had the choice whether to come into being in the first place, we might well answer, no thanks. That is, Hamlet is without an answer to the primary pair of questions: ‘What is man and why are we here?’ (Cassirer). Aye, there’s the rub! But perhaps all that is needed to revive hope is a change in perspective; to have a little more courage, a little more strength, and the grace to bear that which is passing, for this earthly life is indeed passing, lasting but a moment, while eternity is forever. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. But to me the question also suggests the Greek myth where, when questioned by King Midas as to what is the best and most desirable thing for human beings, the satyr Silenus replies: “Not to have been born – but the next best is to die soon.”. • R. Wisnovsky, “One Aspect of the Avicennian Turn in Sunni Theology,” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (2001), 65-100. Yet to become or not to become what we are meant to be is for us to decide. If new life is to be created, then we must take care that it is not a curse, by accepting the challenge of Schopenhauer’s Pessimism. Many people in the general public and the media have a very stereotypical image of what OCD is all about. I believe that while the colour of the petals is pleasing on the eye, it is their transience that provides the special aesthetic quality. Are there things that don't exist? Therefore, ‘to be’ is the only answer. Short Quiz on Philosophy. It will be neither justified nor condemned by reason. To Be or Not to Be? The empirical evidence is clear. His father, the old King of Denmark, had been dead only a month when his mother’s scandalous marriage turned his world upside down. It would not have been necessary. Philosophers through the ages have wrestled with perhaps one of the most simple of questions — just what is the meaning of life? Until then, the only significance any of us can give to these primeval yearnings for absolute identity are personal morality tales of ideology and imagination. Hamlet médite sur la mort c’est-à-dire sur le rien en contemplant le crâne de Yorick, l'ancien bouffon du roi. But since even nihilists cannot escape the truth that some things have meaning to some people, I tried to remind her of value outside of her own suffering. And yet it also leads to a danger, in getting of lost in one side or the other, before coming to the truth. To conceptualize post-death consciousness is to plunge into a conjectural dreamscape. It isn’t just what we feel and experience that matters to us, it is also what we are and how we live in contact with reality; and being in contact with reality requires us to be. Yet as Schopenhauer puts it, suicide “is a clumsy experiment to make; for it involves the destruction of the very consciousness which puts the question and awaits the answer.”. Instead of looking for answers in the works of existentialist philosophers or in the texts of the world’s religions, perhaps a reason to be can be found by observing nature. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles. The reference in the question is undoubtedly to Hamlet’s soliloquy where, considering suicide, he realises he and others are deterred by fear of what may happen after death. “Abyssus abyssum invocat” (abyss calleth unto the abyss): This is a quote from Psalm 42 and the title of a music album by the Polish extreme metal band Behemoth.A bit of silence, rather than rock music, is what is needed though, and perhaps Faust can come back to his senses by pausing for a moment. The nearly universal answer is, “Because I want to.” It’s the way nature made us. For example, the person chosen to choose might abandon her duty to prevent an impulsive suicide in order to advance her own interests. So, he turns to philosophy: “I have studied life. “to be or not to be”, perhaps doesn’t tell the whole story…. My preference is to shimmer in the probabilities, blink from one to another without settling, without collapsing. But through an instant message I checked in with a young friend, who I knew outside of Facebook. Have the intelligence to know you’re stupid. All the rest — whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories — comes afterwards." To be what you are, who you are, when you are; to be you at each and every moment, to do your best, to learn and move on — ‘to boldly go where’ you ‘have not gone before’. yunus 21 May 2015. To the inquiring mind, the beginning seems very much like the end: One begets the other. I personally do not hold my breath. How Stoicism Soothed Anxiety About My Newborn Son Dying Suddenly. It seems that if you ask the question "To be or not to be?" Et c'est déjà suffisant ! So, he turns to philosophy: “I have studied life. To be fair, Hamlet’s future was pretty bleak. The Ethics of Education in the Secular State. A choice, a process, a paradigm, a trajectory. We may, for example, be oppressed minorities living under a dictatorship; or, like Ophelia, we may be scorned in love. I was later to find out that these blossoms are very short-lived. The old, and sometimes wiser, having still a little reason, eschew it, for reason cannot drive us to suicide. Doubt, that most valuable of commodities for an open mind: fear; that recognition that we are ill-equipped for the challenge faced; that trickster of the mind that can send us into flight without learning the will to learn how to fight; or, into fight without learning that the smart course of action was to retreat and live and learn how to fight harder and smarter another day. When we reflect on the likelihood that a century from now we will be erased from the historical memory, a dark shadow of meaninglessness can be cast over our every decision and action. I'm not saying that the force of will is enough to always determine an outcome, or that some things we wish for won't be difficult to achieve. We’ve also had experience of good, whether simple or complex; the pleasant feeling of sunshine on one’s skin, or the pleasures of friendship or romance. Hamlet: To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles The Lion King is a Disney version of Shakespeare's most famous play, Hamlet.It was going to be the first Disney animated feature film based on an original concept – no source material. What is not good is evil, meaning that evil is the privation of good. You probably won’t find discussions and debates on … Hume argued that circumstances that lead to a human being living in constant pain and suffering mean that that person is leading an existence worse than death. Back to the quote, which in my view sums things up so well; it could be reduced yet further simply “to be” — in the knowledge that this addresses both states — yet perhaps this would lose something in the translation.
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