That’s when I switch it off, asking myself why I torture myself so. Any portion of such people that can may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit. That’s on top of the wearisome drama endemic to the movement itself. Is a requisite for penology to do a 5-10 bit in the clink? This makes sense for two reasons. Rarely are humanity and history in sync. See how far that gets you. Here, we clearly see the indoctrination that affirmative action, which is clearly racist, isn’t and those who disagree with it are racists. Then, there are fakers posing as artists, and Aaron Sorkin really takes the cake. I would watch the white proles acting like Eminem in a grotesque imitation of black mannerisms. Look, Steve, you’ve made your bed. …shoots and murders Derek’s brother in cold blood. I didn’t think so. Blacks, man. No police, no undue drama or hysterical overreaction, just a misunderstanding that they apparently felt they needed to settle. This is irrational. It’s your only defense. Heads up, my cousin is in the cell next to yours he says the screws are going to be doing a paraphernalia sweep tomorrow! If Tony Kaye simply wanted to make a piece of propaganda, he could have gone the route of Alan Parker with MISSISSIPPI BURNING or made something like FRIED GREEN TOMATOES where blacks are aglow with sanctity whereas Southern Whites are mostly semi-neanderthal rednecks. His biological father is thought to be one Walker Scott of Cattlesburg, Kentucky. And of course, Manson was an off the wall, and even charismatic figure. …Judging from the height/size of Ed’s 7 foot skinhead prison rapist it must have really hurt the first time. negro “social worker” was a waste of time. In contrast, Spielberg was a born entertainer. I could go on, listing fact after fact. I know I am not alone in this forum. Did Manson have complete mind control over these kids? BLACKS and Their BLACK JESUS and Those Behind It – Part 1. Great! Excellent comment, and it applies not only to Hollywood, but everything else the Zio-Commie mafiosi touch. Initialement jugée moins sensible que la recherche dâune instabilité des séquences microsatellites, lâadjonction à lâétude des protéines MLH1 et MSH2, des protéines MSH6 et PMS2, a permis de corriger ce manque de sensibilité. Yeah, No one in this thread is boasting about prison life, but you. Derek is certainly far above average in IQ, but he doesn’t seem to be a genius. Trinity’s way of thinking is all too common among the far right, far left, Jews, blacks, and etc. Now I know you are a diluted fool.”. If I ever do drag myself to peruse a film, within minutes I can already see the blatant propaganda and programming. Sa sensibilité varie entre 92 et 100%.9,13. Again, I am not sure what the filmmakers were thinking, but this conclusion does not support their anti-“hate” agenda. If it exists, it’s never been released. would beat 5 teenage negroes in a game a of pickup basketball. wich is probably a good enough reason to stay out of prison. Then by all means, please STFU and study harder in my classes. Yeah, No one in this thread is boasting about prison life, but you. Big Herc & Wig-Splitter Wes might have dominated the chow line in the prison but the former ended up in prison for an inept bank robbery & the latter beat a kid up over a marijuana deal. We are taken back to Derek’s past and at the breakfast table, where Derek’s father is angry over two of his workmates losing their jobs, to blacks, unqualified for the job, through affirmative action. So, it’s not really about ‘basketball and pussy’ but about being honest and forthright. Why would desire be a sin? But people outside the Leftist bubbles of academia and the media don’t react that way. I do not know these so called “skinheads”. Mamet and Cronenberg can say the audience came to such-and-such conclusion on their own. lolol. As such, even as so many gritty details in DTRH and AHX ring true, the over-arching narratives and messages are unconvincing. Ironically, skinheads are totally ‘whigger’ material. The drawback is that Mexico is a contiguous country, while immigrants have to somehow reach UK. Sadly, many on the Dissident Right have internalized this dynamics and feel they must go 14/88 to be authentic as proud white folks when, if anything, they’ve fallen into the Jewish Trap of either/or for whites. REAL VERSION: 67 or 68 year old grizzly White dude beats snot out of 30 something year old Black dude. From the 1960s to the early 90s, many Jews were victimized by black crime or just plain loutish behavior. You crossed the Rubicon there and then and instantly dug yourself a hole to sit in. Obviously because it shifts one’s mindset from a godly nature. The enemy’s Anti-White propaganda is in your face now. It’s like the meanest nastiest black biatch will melt in your hands if you tell her how she looks so lovely in that weave, shoo. Blaming the brown and black people who have been by and large invited in or brought in as slaves because they are useful to the wealthy is mostly a distraction. But once Derek and Danny were out of the gang, they became targets of opportunity. The immigrants were brought in by our own corrupt governments and big businesses. Rather, it is showing how Derek is truly remarkable not only for his smarts but his bodily skills. Ce second mécanisme doit être identifié puisque ces cancers colorectaux présenteront également des tests de préscreening anormaux. His performance in Houston’s Fat City (1972) is incredibly thoughtful and tragic. I used to think like you “Blaming the brown and black people who have been by and large invited in or brought in as slaves because they are useful to the wealthy is mostly a distraction.”. And the bible has much of this. mid-13c., “to desire or wish for inordinately or without regard for the rights of others,” from Old French coveitier “covet, desire, lust after” (12c., Modern French convoiter, influenced by con- words), probably ultimately from Latin cupiditas “passionate desire, eagerness, ambition,” from cupidus “very desirous,” from cupere “long for, desire” (see cupidity). Floored him twice. would beat 5 teenage negroes in a game a of pickup basketball. Why not just go online and buy one? Hmm, talk about the pot calling the kettle black ( pun intended.) We had two negroes on the team (one was Gladys Knight’s son, Shanga, and he was extremely obese and rarely played because he had no stamina). The Lugenpresse has lost the narrative. I really like how you guys are so c-ck sure of yourselves. Unsurprisingly, most of his films are forgotten today and they didn’t make much money. But after having a laugh at his expense I must remind the audience that Stacy Keach is an excellent actor who’s had a long and solid career. In my opinion, it all begins in 1947, with Gentleman’s Agreement. Individualism is just escapism. But, as Woodrow Wilson exclaimed, “It is like writing history with lightning,” and, “… it is all so true.” I’ve watched this a few times, and having read accounts of the behavior of the Freedmen and the Monkeyshines in the Government positions occupied by them, I’ve come to understand that the rise of Clansmen, Red Shirts and other Vigilance Committees in the South was not only necessary, but absolutely heroic; just as the picture dramatizes. Once again, no Jewy agenda being pushed just an interesting story and book. The problem for the white race isn’t the Revolutionary Spirit and Culture of Critique per se but that they’ve outsourced them to Jews. ://, “Whites make up the largest share of those receiving food stamps (36 percent) and Medicaid (43 percent),” he tweeted Oct. 11. Really, I have sufficient self control to refrain from bludgeoning someone to death. I believe that was one of his interviews with Dianne Sawyer. But when push comes to shove, Lee is a black tribalist first-and-foremost and sides with Buggin’ Out and Radio Raheem when they are clearly the instigators of all that goes wrong. So easy to do. In a world of black and brown tribalism, whites have no choice but to band together, though whites in the film do it in a self-destructive way, though not as much as the fellas in ROMPER STOMPER. Yet, he lived (probably slept on his stomach) and apparently continued on with the expedition: On 12 July 1804 at Camp New Island, near today’s Rulo, Nebraska, a court martial consisting of the two commanding officers—one of them serving as judge advocate–convened at 1:00 p.m. for the trial of Alexander Willard, who was charged with “lying down and Sleeping on his post whilst a Sentinal.” It was a capital crime, “under the rules and articles of War punishable by death.” Although Willard pleaded guilty of lying down, but not guilty of sleeping, the court, “after Duly Considering the evidence aduced, are of oppinion that the Prisoner . I thought this was one of trev’s best reviews so far. I am not against “immigration” however I am against weaponized mass migration. I could spend a lot of time, explaining to you, where everyone went, but really ‘Truth’ (really you chose that name? They live in the worst poverty you can believe. But focusing on your own life doesn’t make social problems disappear. As I stated previously, young whites (especially women) are by and large already destroyed. You probably already know that the book and movie, “A Time To Kill” which was based on a true story actually REVERSED the races of the victim and the perpetrators. at 2% of the population, jews would not get far unless the wealthy whites allowed and even helped them along. It’s really infuriating because, when somebody like Paul Craig Roberts falls for this, and he’s also telling the truth about 9/11 and a host of other things, he’s basically discrediting all the 9/11 truth and the rest of it, by associating it with this stuff about non-existent rape epidemics in Europe. Same with Mexican gangs. “Runaway Train” is a decent movie, but why an Alaskan convict played by Jon Voight sports a fake Brooklyn accent is a mystery to me, and Eric Roberts accent sounds weird regardless of any movie he played in. His Democratic Credentials are nearly impeccable. ROTFLMAO. If you look at almost every sitcom, soap opera, sci-fi series (especially Star Trek) you will always see WW2, third reich and ‘nazi’-eque episodes. If the world is full of lies, you-as-individual must stop telling lies. Never read, “Native Son,” and I don’t have any plans to read it in the future. And you cannot have Jewish rule without immigration. Ingmar Bergman and Michelangelo Antonioni were no fakers. reading more and aging brings wisdom when eyes are open. That was a classic. This was complete and totally unnecessary (((Cinematic))) embellishment that robs the credit for the unique character of their missions and individual achievement that was due to the Eagle Squadron, Doolittle’s Raiders, and the U. S. Army Air Corp pilots stationed at Pearl on December 7th, rather than honoring them. To sum up American History X, seeing as you don’t want to watch it, in two sentences I’d say: “a movie that teaches whites to accept that the reason jews are persecuted and blacks don’t succeed is down to white, institutional, racism. you grouchy, weak old bastard. Somehow, he manages to survive on his own for the final months of his sentence. He fights. He is both grateful and bitter. Dud, the only fool spouting nonsense from their arse is you. I don’t know where you get the idea that I am boasting of Prison life? From what I’ve read in the papers, and from what I’ve witnessed personally from an outsider’s perspective, they are more interested in making money from dealing methamphetamine to other White People than they are in maintaining Racial Cohesion. We ask ourselves. At the time I saw it, I was not “woke” to race realism and other concepts that I later came to embrace, but several things in it rang completely false to me. Jesus was not a Jew, but a Judahite. Read your bible. It was a combination of Dennis Wilson’s stupidity & Manson’s craziness…both worsened by drugs. It is expressly made for exploiting young working-class men. easy to write in a movie review but poor advice for a happy life. While Derek is right about the social problems caused by blacks and non-whites, his solutions have been lousy. both parties are rotten to the core. Sometimes, Stone couldn’t make up his mind whether he was an entertainer/sensationalist or artist/investigator. They are the crazy ones trying to adopt a Jewish take on history, eh? There was a lot of abuse heaped upon “freed” Negroes by the Northern invaders and much of it is documented in the Official Records. It might appeal to an older generation of “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” conservatives, but Derek would see through it. But, it is historically accurate and it does do credit to the principal Confederate pursuer and the men who captured the dastardly spies and saboteurs collectively known as Andrew’s Raiders. American History X was anti-racist in the same way that Goodfellas was anti-mob, or Rebel Without a Cause was anti-teenage rebellion. And for those whites, who think there’s nothing wrong with immigration and that we should all live together and be one big melting pot, you should consider handing in your passport and renouncing your nationality (seeing as you care nothing for it) and going off to whatever foreign land, that the immigrants you want to live with come from. Adultery is having sex with a married woman, fornication is having sex without commitment. The prosecutor made a deal with one of the murderers to implicate the other murderer, allowing the principle murderer to escape true justice. No self respecting Soldier of the Third Reich would have defaced their bodies in the manner of these so-called Neo-Nazis. One scene has every group badmouthing every other group, but in reality, despite all the differences and distrusts among diverse groups, the overwhelming racial tension in NY or any big city is white vs black, brown vs black, yellow vs black, Jewish vs black, Arabs vs black, Hindus vs black, and etc. I gotz to give credit where credit is due. Now, my friend, I could literally go on for another 2 hours on this subject without notes, the fact that Europeans are the semites is so foolish and ridiculous it is like electing a guy most famous for doing movies with a monkey as POTUS. Derek refers to Murray as a “Kabbala-reading motherfucker” and reveals a huge swastika tattoo which he says means “not welcome.”. No wonder every white I know, pretty much, under the age of 50 hates their culture, civilization and nation, thanks to drivel like this. They may have been lacking a sense of decorum, but they were the type of guys that were doing those kind of jobs. Think what you will about David Lee Roth, but he nailed it when he said, “You know why all the critics love Elvis Costello? He thought he was manipulating the audience by making Norton’s character so admirable and the blacks so, well, black in their behavior. I remember one interview where he said his uncle in Kentucky told him to quit going to those “Yankee schools, boy” and Manson then claims the next day he set the school on fire. You think the brown people are reproducing like rabbits but in reality they are just reproducing at a normal rate, similar to whites before the cultural decline really hit. You are reverse boasting: shaming and dissing. . Yeah, I read your first sentence, and the one following it. And the Aryan Brotherhood is not the same gang as Neo Nazis or Skinheads in prison, they are different factions, just like The Woods, but there is an alliance, in states like California, White gangs even have an alliance with certain Mexican gangs. Oh. Voight in Runaway Train was in a Fed Max. I am not. Rather, white identity must be synonymous with racial extremism. When the white guy Yang proudly comes out carrying the tattered American flag, I got patriotic goose bumps, I’ll admit. But Dubai was an exciting place to be young in the late 90’s. There was a time, when Europeans knew who they were. I still don’t see the point either. Now I know you are a diluted fool. They have simply been broken by the system. They all are characterized by very charismatic leads. I’ve been on both the receiving and the delivering end of a beat down. The word adultery has been deliberately changed in order to remove race mixing. Apparently you can’t read. I’ve frequently found that strength advantages can be overcome by a definite and determined attack, preferably launched while they are in the middle of sticking their chests out and flapping their lips. Entertainment is usually about sticking to the tried-and-true formula that pleases the audience. Also, as depicted in the film, prison gangs did indeed rape their own, but only as punishment for transgressions. Then use a knife to carve the bar of soap into a knife. Manson started out in the Blue Grass State but his stay there was not very long it seems. However, when it comes to critical thinking skills, tactics, and the ability to “look ahead” and plan one’s moves, whites have the advantage. Truth, you’re either being deliberately obstinate or you’re promoting an agenda, for if there was any truth in you, you certainly would not take the stance you have. Again, one has to ask what the filmmakers were thinking. The vain desire to be acknowledged as artists(or at least personal ‘auteurs’), but when push came to shove, it was more conceit than conviction. He is called a “white supremacist. By extension, so are we. Par ailleurs, cette étude permettra une évaluation des paramètres cliniques et histopathologiques associés à la présence de mutations constitutionnelles des gènes du DNA MMR. I don’t think criminals should be coddled, nor do I believe they should be exploited or victimized. Go suck your thumb, or whatever it is that you wrap your lips around, Sissy Boy. There are fundamental differences between the races Although the premise of the movie was casting the prosecutor as “the good guy” for many of us aware people the prosecutor was indeed “the bad guy”. You do not accept that advances in all aspects of life, have come from the white peoples, whom by this are God’s chosen and therefore blessed. As for similar films in this realm, I have seen a great many of them, and taken them all in the same way; extracting what is useful and simply shrugging off the rest. (Also, it was clever as self-promotion because an overly simplistic movie would have been less controversial, thus less a topic of discussion.) What does a white Parisian have in common with a white Texan? He’s no longer a fellow Arab but a British soldier back on duty. God just painted people different colors and then meanie Whites invented the idea of race. So, when the people who say that they are so “red-pilled” on the JQ are so emotionally attached to this particular Zionist propaganda narrative… but… well, if you’re really red-pilled, you shouldn’t be so easy to troll with these absurd propaganda narratives. Just like ‘privatize the profits, socialize the losses’, ‘spew Jewish rage, blame goy hate’. Do you know who carried out this great disappearance? My friend, you are allowed to like, or dislike anything you desire, but shoehorning scripture awkwardly, makes you look like a fool. They are not and American X is also NOT. Likewise, even though BLM is leading to more massacre of blacks, blacks figure it’s a worthy price to pay for black apotheosis as godly and divine. Reopened the books. In a way, the neo-nazi skinheads in the movie represent the worst nightmare of the Jews, but in another way, they could be metaphors for Jews, the much vilified and hated minority. Obviously that guy never watched any of Rourke’s ” professional boxing matches.” lololol. Have you ever been in one? Why do you think so many Honkees spend their winter in San Moritz, they’re summer in the Bahamas, and their spring camping in the Rockies while they live off interest from the tax YOU paid? The “Helter Skelter” theory promoted by Vincent Bugliosi is pretty hysterical as well. Instead, I enjoyed the good taste of hummus & bubble tea abroad. It was very interesting to read that the director’s cut was far more lean. But, only a Loser goes around boasting of being locked up like they earned an esteemed accolade befitting a Nobel Laureate. Are not people just people wherever you go? Dershowitz explains the need to perpetuate victimhood to maintain cohesion. Some scenes drag, and the use of slow motion is about as annoying as teeth scraping against a concrete curb. Derek is taken to the prison infirmary. Years ago I read the diaries of Charlton Heston, which were best sellers and of the many interesting bits in it was in the very early days he said that he immediately came to realize that his screen persona throughout the world–he said his effortless ability to project strenngth, loyalty, honesty, bravery, etc.–were recognized the world over and that was what was driving his popularity and his success. Probably doing a long stretch, I was wrong. Memory only polarizes race relations in America, which in turn polarizes whites against each other. …A cunning black teen felon gangbanger won’t shoot you after school on the Venice beach where you stalk him everyday but in the boy’s toilet at school where he is bound to be caught & immediately jailed. It’s a waste of time. Not necessarily Alaska. After all, if whites had a similar sense of roots and heritage, they would not have lost to the Jews. Pour toute information complémentaire sur lâétude SYSSYL, qui est ouverte jusquâau 1er mai 2012, lâUnité dâoncogénétique et de prévention des cancers des HUG (tél. In becoming so hardline based on his rage, he creates his own stupidity instead of advancing an alternative and superior ideology and worldview that rejects both naive Liberalism(& spineless ‘conservatism’) and far-right nuttery that attracts losers and ne’er-do-wells. What finally breaks Cool Hand Luke in the end? I live in Guatemala, married a local woman and have three kids all born here. I’m glad Manson’s name came up, I never liked the little 5’3 half-Mexican guy back in the 60s, but when one of our greatest American actors started playing him the 80’s, he was kinda cool: You, dumb cluck, Manson was born in Cincy and raised in Kentucky, he was a Kentucky hillbilly. The most likely hypothesis is that the filmmakers were just smug. And you can go back to make up. As a book that was written for the purpose of encouraging Jews to marry and have children with other Jews, it is extremely candid. Let’s not forget serial rapist Leo Frank who tried to pin his murder of a child on a black man and pretty much single handedly started the jewish “Anti-Defamation League”. Pour deux dâentre eux, leurs antécédents oncologiques personnels et familiaux ne correspondaient à aucun des critères cliniques proposés (Amsterdam, Bethesda) pour lâidentification de ce syndrome. Cowboy and Indians were both honored. “East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet” – Rudyard Kipling said that and he was correct. Negro Sweeney may be a silly-ass jiver, but what makes a teacher special isn’t necessarily his beliefs but his willingness to engage his students, encourage discussion, and provoke argument. A black man can shoot a white woman, aim and premeditate, as she in unarmed and standing beside other cops-. How Much Longer Will the United States Exist? The two great wars, where millions of Europeans murdered one another, they were responsible for. White dispossession is real. Whatever the approach, the pathologist is directly implicated as Lynch syndrome harbors specific histological aspects that can help to its identification, but also as pre-screening tests are directly realized on tumor-tissue. Allen wanted to be more than a clown or comic. In EXCALIBUR, Uther wants to call it quits and settle down. He needs some stitches. Our culture would never be under threat if there were no immigrants here to put it under that threat! Sweeney speaks for Derek, and he is paroled. That was a REAL Mississippi Burning and not FAKE like the REEL Mississippi Burning. Negroes are like that too. Globally, people of European descent were a full 1/4 of the World’s population in the 1960’s, that is now down to 10% and rapidly decreasing. Especially when Jews are out to get you and smear you as a ‘white supremacist neo-nazi’, how about not acting like cartoonish clowns? But it is not THE problem, it is a symptom of THE problem. Hating ‘ni**ers’ is one thing; must so many white-nats act like ‘whiggers’? The character he portrayed, Derek Vinyard, would have went running home to his mammy, if he had witnessed some some of the gratuitous violence that was dished out by the gang of psychotic misfits, that i unfortunately socialised with in my late teens and early 20s. What does a Cockney look like? He has a taste for 1920s prison lingo. Without the culture of critique, there is only dogma and conformism. Street fighting comes down to experience, motivation, landing the first hit is always important, and the element of surprise more so than any sort of physical advantages. With in-depth features, Expatica brings the international community closer together. By the time the rube asked me that, I had spent a summer in London & Christmas vacations traveling India & smoking marijuana in Amsterdam cafes…I jumped in my Hertz rental & left Michigan behind forever. There is no in-between option, no rational course that balances white identity/interests with respect for other groups. It was just media overkill with this case and as I stated earlier Manson achieved the fame he wanted so bad and in the end the name Manson is just as recognizable as Mick Jagger, The Beach Boys or Beatles. In contrast, Kaye, though clearly lacking the true conviction of an artist(like Scorsese, Shohei Imamura, Jan Troell, Emir Kusturica, etc. Derek(Edward Norton) feels at home with his skinhead neo-nazi crew. After that, go back to making money as an incel. How much of Ron Kovic’s change of heart a matter of genuine transformation or of a personal rage about his paralysis & pain? Norton and the studio insisted on a longer edit, which added back in 24 minutes. It was to avoid the pain that he reached out to the Negro teacher, and he was grateful that the Negro did something for him EVEN THOUGH he didn’t have to. But it takes time for people to create and manage institutions. Cancer colorectal avec au moins un parent du premier degré *** avec un cancer appartenant au spectre du syndrome de Lynch,* une des tumeurs est diagnostiquée avant lââge de 50 ans ou 5. Trust me. The narrative cannot be debated so they impose more and more censorship. Without revolutionary spirit, there is stagnation. Regardless whether you were Socialist, conservative or liberal (classic British), your nation came first. My friend might be able to co-star in a remake of Bad Ass with Danny Trejo since he can now claim he spent time in the joint, yo. It seems that all of the posters who decry the negative birth rate of whites are forgetting to mention one major point: It is birth control systems that have divorced intercourse from procreation and is partially responsible for the dearth of white births. Horrible political strategy even if you think the magic spirits of Rand would somehow protect people with pre-existing conditions from amoral insurance companies. Everything is different now. He was scholar enough to admit his thesis was disproven but ideologue enough to have written another book expressing the hope that Diversity could somehow work. You need a knife? Le recrutement de 1200 élèves-gendarmes au Madagascar est prévu cette année 2020-2021. The most visible example is the guy from American Renaissance but he has no connection with the so called “nazi”. Or, is there a hidden/repressed element within the Jew who dreams for the messiah that can bring an end to the tribal conflicts that have marked Jewish existence from the beginning. Read rape stats years ago and more men are raped in the USA than women by far and it is in prison. I’m ashamed of mine. If Christianity is anti-revolutionary, why didn’t it leave other peoples and cultures alone? The Chiriqui Project looked to send freed slaves to Central America, but the neighboring Countries of Nicaragua and Honduras objected to having a colony of former slaves (Negroes) as neighbors. Lucifer is from the Latin ‘Lucem Ferre‘ meaning ‘Shining one’. In a way, the white vs black tensions in the L.A. of the film could be a reflection of the Jewish vs Arab/Palestinian conflicts in the Middle East.
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