This appears to be the logic behind ILS’ system, that in the absence of evidence he can, he can’t. Little has changed, the abilities of movie characters are being extrapolated in new content, in keeping with original sources. Legends: Kylo Ren vs. Darth Caedus. Nor is it difficult, we've been doing it for decades, and discrepancies are easily removed, for example, feats in the 2003 Clone Wars series are simply not taken seriously. Univers officiel : rouge + orange. Like in legends jango and boba fett are mandolorians but in disney canon they arent. Legends cannot be treated as a collective, as ILS' system treats it. Authors have not been given the freedom to bend the rules of the universe and misrepresent character abilities. This imagined disconnect between Canon and Legends content therefore doesn't exist. Some are decidedly abstract. This list of the top 15 non-canon "Star Wars" stories includes books that examine Sith mythology, Jedi training, ancient worlds and the murderous rampage of Darth Vader. Those are a few examples. This is the conclusion that would have been made several months ago, prior to the release of the Darth Vader comics and the recent release of Lords of the Sith. Star Wars Canon and Legends Explained - YouTube. By the proposed system abstract windows that cannot be aligned with Canon content are removed, but windows that do not conflict, and that can be aligned, should be considered valid, accurate sources. Whereas the Canon timeline primarily focuses on the conflicts between the Jedi and Sith, or the Republic and the Empire, the Legends timeline explores many different power structures and societies, and is continually marked by upheaval — whether it's the Indecta Era, Draggulch Period, or the Great Manifest Period, there is a great breadth of culture and history explored in the Legends stories. This policy has been further refined and fleshed out over the years. Irrespective of that fact that “Canon doesn't acknowledge Legends” that “Legends is an alternative universe” and that “Legends is non-canon”, from a practical standpoint, the system is reasonable. Nonetheless, they should be regarded as very accurate depictions of the fictional Star Wars movies. Star Wars Canon and Legends Explained. Some windows are a bit foggier than others. In ILS’ blog he effectively claimed that Legends as a whole provides an inaccurate portrayal of Canon characters abilities. ¿Qué tienen los 2? Not all artists draw Luke Skywalker the same way. I felt the need to put up this question owing to a lot of misunderstandings and oversimplifications about the nature of the “Legends” label. ILS' system is overly complex and unlikely to be adopted by the majority. I'll be here all week.. or like, a lot longer than that For anyone utterly confused by the premise of this thread, let me explain; the "cannon" you s It was considered “canon” before the buyout. The early development of the Expanded Universe was sporadic and unrefined, in large part because, at this time, there was so little canon material for the creators to use as reference.The Expanded Universe is generally considered to have begun with Alan Dean Foster's February 1978 Star Wars spin-off novel, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, although technically it began in October 1977 with the story The Keeper's World, in Marvel Comics… Not all writers define the character in the same fashion. Vote. One continuity for one saga. ‘Legends’ vs ‘Canon’ I’ll go for LEGENDS. LucasBooks works diligently to keep the continuing Star Wars expanded universe cohesive and uniform, but stylistically, there is always room for variation. L' univers officiel de Star Wars rassemble l'ensemble des histoires, lieux et personnages considérés comme officiels par la société propriétaire de la franchise : Lucasfilm. For example the depiction of various characters in TCW - that followed their prior portrayal in EU content made after the Prequels - would not have taken into account existing EU when considering and portraying the abilities of those characters. Give big, shop small business. Want more context? The new policy defined by Disney, cannot be applied to the old EU. The Star Wars website also details the role of canon, Expanded Universe (or \"EU\") sources, and how they fit into overall Star Wars continuity. We must approach and assess the value of Legends individually. Canon is what I Support. This would then explain the differences between the Legends and canon continuities. The particular attributes of individual media also come into play. But Disney scrapped all of it and basically said that all of that didn’t happen, thus calling it “Legends”. There have, however, been a number of important references to the events of the KotORgame and to specific plot elements. However in light of the recent changes to canon, they need to be reiterated, so this is me playing my part. In legends the clones didnt have inhibitor chips, but in canon they did have inhibitor chips. Legends, unlike Canon, is not singular in nature, it is not encapsulated under a single series, or the same group of writers. Christopher Cerasi stated,Lucas Licensing editor Sue Rostoni elaborated further on the place of printed Expanded Universe sources in Star Wars Gamer 6,In a December 6, 2006 post on the official Star Wars forums, Leland Chee (\"keeper\" o… In Legends, Vader is depicted as brutal Jedi killer who can take on half a dozen at once, generate Force waves that blow away dozens of people, withstand explosions at point blank rage, survive being buried alive for days, shrug off impalement to the stomach, freeze people with his mind, move so fast he appears to teleport, Force crush TIE-fighters in mid-flight, tear down, throw and blow apart massive structures. By. As a disclosure, this blog is mostly for myself to share my fandom of the Star Wars universe with others. By separating Legends and Canon and establishing Legends and Canon incarnations as different characters, we create a disparity that limits our abilities to compare material. Watch later. A marketing decision made by Disney does not warrant change. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Best Legends Characters (That Deserve To Be Canon) The story is one of the most important ones that Lucasfilm has put together, outside of the main films. Below is a recap of the major eras in the current Star Wars canon. Our goal is to present a continuous and unified history of the Star Wars galaxy, insofar as that history does not conflict with, or undermine the meaning of Mr. Lucas's Star Wars saga of films and screenplays. Suffice to say I disagree, and in the absence of concrete rules lain down by Lucasfilm as to how we should use Star Wars material in debates, I think it’s a perspective that can be challenged, and it will ultimately be down to the fans as to how to operate. Canon content that depicts Vader Force crushing AT-ATs, pulling freighters out of the sky, blowing apart massive Lyleks with a carapace tougher than armour, ripping them apart with his Force waves, rag dolling vulture droids while flying etc. They are not multiverses, they are not connected; they are completely seperate. Claims have already been made that ILS’ theory is contradictory, and irrespective of whether this is true or not, it proves a point: fans aren't going to get it. La première est que les films et séries du canon s’inspirent facilement d’éléments de l’Univers Legends. A comic book interpretation of an event will likely have less dialogue or different pacing than a novel version. It is our responsibility as fans to create a cohesive timeline. Deactivate the lightsabers to filter out events from that piece of media in the timeline. The ability to withstand powerful bursts of lightning for a short time. her canon incarnation, is depicted as capably contending with legendary lightsaber duellists Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, sometimes simultaneously. The beginning of the novel is actually a meticulous retelling of Mist Encounter.He said Alliances wouldn't be as Legends friendly.. Because apparently “there is no proof.”. According to ILS, Legends and Canon should be treated as separate universes, and a clear distinction made between Canon and Legends portrayals of characters, essentially as different characters with different abilities. Blanket statements cannot be made in regards to Legends like “Legends Sidious is more powerful than Canon Sidious”, because that is assuming every Legends author has depicted Sidious in the exact same way, with the exact same feats. ("Anthology Films," "Original Trilogy," etc.). The timespan of events covered in Legends media is far longer, and more in-depth than that of Canon. Github link coming shortly. So too must card and roleplaying games ascribe certain characteristics to characters and events in order to make them playable. Plus, of all the Star Wars eras, this is the one I would most like to see new stories in. For it is these contexts that the material will reflect, not the new rules on continuity. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. 189 Votes in Poll (edited by moderator) Star Wars Legends Canon The Walt Disney Company Lucasfilm Ltd. 7. What we are actually discussing today, is the difference between Star Wars "Canon", and Star Wars "Legends". Nor is it coincidence that Vader’s Legends feats are now being replicated in Canon. Instead Legends is a vast and multi-faceted assortment of material, all varying in accuracy, portrayal, and purpose. And capably defeats Luminari Unduli, herself an exceptional lightsaber duellist and Jedi Master. Info. So for those non hardcore Star Wars fans that still curiously wonder what exactly Star Wars Canon and Star Wars Legends is, let me give you a (reasonably) brief summary of what exactly they both are and what is the difference. She even manages to defeat General Grievous, which few Jedi were capable of. My proposal is therefore as follows: to treat Canon as the most accurate portrayal of the Star Wars universe, and Legends as windows into that same universe, themselves possessing accuracy in varying levels which we, as fans, must evaluate case by case. A video game has to take an interactive approach that favors gameplay. Because Lucasfilm has told us, several times over: Canon refers to an authoritative list of books that the Lucas Licensing editors consider an authentic part of the official Star Wars history. Over the years since the new Star Wars canon arrived, a surprising amount of elements/lore from Knights of the Old Republic and we’re breaking them all down in one convenient spot!. The movies came out, and people came along saying, "Wait, I've got more stories to tell." The further one branches away from the movies, the more interpretation and speculation come into play. Discuss some of the differences and similarities between the two continuities. In the next part of Star Wars: “Legends” Vs. “Canon,” I’ll go into a comparison between the novels of the Legends Universe versus the novels of the Canon Universe and how they compare. That we can count on. Therefore Canon Vader is evidently weaker than his Legends counterpart and should be treated thusly. The Expanded Universe since its conception has been closely monitored by Lucasfilm to keep it as true to the original canon as possible. Step 3: Tell a story that creates two alternate universes. Another huge difference between the Canon Universe and the Legends Universe is the new movies. Then the prequels came out, setting up a massive conflict (the Clone Wars), that involved a large enough cast (all the Jedi, the clones, the Seperatists, etc) that writers had a massive sandbox to work in. This continuity decision became one of the department's biggest challenges--and greatest successes. The war between the fledgling New Republic and the Empire went very differently in canon than it did in Legends. Therefore, just as Legends content is an accurate reflection of existing Canon, it will remain an equally accurate reflection of future Canon also. The popular Knights of the Old Republic game, generally considered one of the best video games ever made, is set 4,000 years before the formation of the Galactic Republic, and it's not officially been canonized, given Disney has yet to publish any content set during this time-period. When Lucas sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney in 2014, everything that had been written about the Star Wars Universe before was no longer considered canon. Previously, Star Wars didn’t have movies set outside the main six in the timeline. The EU is bound by what is seen in the most current version of the films and by directives from George Lucas. ¿Cual es la diferencia? Univers Légendes : jaune. Nor are they likely to throw out an old, working system in favour of this new and controversial one. If you are holding a Canon and a Legends Star Wars book, there are obvious visual differences between them. Over the years since the new Star Wars canon arrived, a surprising amount of elements/lore from Knights of the Old Republic and we’re breaking them all down in one convenient spot! The Legends conflict had completely different players and events and one of those was Han Solo leading a New Republic fleet in an attempt to take down Imperial Warlords, such as Zsinj. LucasBooks works diligently to keep the continuing Star Wars expanded universe cohesive and uniform…. For example: Asajj Ventress in Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TCW) i.e. #18 … The war between the fledgling New Republic and the Empire went very differently in canon than it did in Legends. Legends, unlike Canon, is not singular in nature, it is not encapsulated under a single series, or the same group of writers. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (an animated television series, 2008—not to be confused with the similarly titled Star Wars: Clone Wars from 2003, which is not canon.) These stories are simply considered legends. Old canon existed, because Star Wars was "over," as far as general audiences were concerned. If this policy results in a nonplussed response or worse, a flame war, in every debate it is applied, it defeats its original purpose: to facilitate constructive discussion on Star Wars. But what it will align with is past Canon content, the very same touchstone used by the former EU. Mais l’inspiration est parfois plus floue. The new labels being attached to it does not change this. The year was 1994. How to Tell the Difference Between Canon and Legends Star Wars Books. However if we include Rebels there's is minor changes in his character, but it's still mostly the same in Canon and Legends. Star Wars Legends vs. Canon. In 2012, the Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm, and the sprawling Star Wars saga with it. With Darth Vader looking to create his own apprentice, there are many elements that allow this to feel as if it is still canon. But each contains a nugget of truth to them. Still, the current Canon timeline is vast, even without all of the events from Legends stories. So if he doesn't do them, he can’t do them? #SW-Canon-and-Legends gallery. And this has been true of Star Wars Canon since its inception. Clearly Legends Vader > Canon Vader, right? So in short, I shall be outlining my alternative in this blog. However there are large differences. Canon and … The logic that because he hasn't, he can’t, fails to hold water. Therefore, to produce books outside those time periods, LucasBooks was forced to create “tent-pole” events and series that were supported by the books. To begin the basis of my proposal: When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves—and only the films. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Legends: What’s What in Knights of the Old Republic. Most material published after April 25—such as the Star Wars Rebels TV series along with all Marvel Star Wars comic books and novels beginning with A New Dawn—is also considered part of the new canon, on account of the creation of the Lucasfilm … Videos will be made on everything related to Star Wars, discussing news, theories, history, explanations, quizzes, canon, legends, lore, and more. Canon = The films, Clone Wars animated series, and expanded universe that began in 2014 after Disney started releasing Star Wars material. Advanced telekinesis in situ with lightsaber combat. The difference is mostly negligible in the big picture, but within communities that care to debate this sort of thing you’ll find a lot more people complaining about the new stories than rushing to defend them. Par exemple Star Wars Rebels a intégré les inquisiteurs, qui sont donc désormais des éléments présents dans le canon. Copy link. Dismissing valid and approved abilities on the basis that they are nowhere demonstrated in Canon i.e. The novelizations are written concurrently with the film's production, so variations in detail do creep in from time to time. Legends material is for the most part, an accurate depiction of Canon, because that was the intention of the authors and of Lucasfilm when it was created. Claiming that in general, Canon characters are depicted as notably stronger in Legends material. Instead we should look at the contexts in which past content was made, which I have provided above. So folks, perhaps you've seen ILS’ recent blog concerning how Canon and Legends material should be treated when debating Star Wars. "Star Wars Canon" and "Star Wars Legends" are two seperate continuities within the Star Wars universe. No, this standpoint is not exactly in keeping with Disney’s new direction on the saga, but that’s not what’s important, because Disney aren't debating Star Wars, they are selling it. Another huge difference between the Canon Universe and the Legends Universe is the new movies. All Legends content and indeed the majority of Canon content was created under a differing set of rules and principles as to those being operated under now. RELATED: Star Wars: 5 Of Boba Fett's Biggest Mistakes In Canon (& 5 In Legends) This was in stark contrast to Legends where he spent years after surviving the Sarlacc either pursuing Han Solo (who was going through a mid-life crisis) or shaking the very foundation of the Bounty Hunter Guild, its members scrambling to pick up the contracts left in the wake of Fett's supposed death. The result is one character for one universe, which can be debated and discussed holistically, as opposed to making distinctions and divisions between content. Catholic-Ronin 57 Deviations Featured: Canon Luke vs Legends Luke. Star Wars has years of stories for fans, whether it be the new canon ones that Disney has been putting out or the decades of stories that have been called Legends.Full of monstrous villains and forgotten heroes, the stories of Legends have legions of fans, many of whom prefer it to the current canon.. RELATED: 10 Episodes Of The Clone Wars Every Star Wars Fan Should Watch Shopping. How do we know this? Canon events are depicted on the left, and Legends events on the right. Legends = the expanded universe from before the Disney purchase that was eventually retconned. Telekinetically guiding a lightsaber e.g. Watch my video essay on the matter: Methodology: Data was scraped from Wookieepedia. Two years after the acquisition, Disney erased much of the Expanded Universe lore from the official canon — countless stories comprising novels, comics, video games, television shows, holiday specials, radio series, magazine issues and reference books are said to have no longer taken place. Check back Tuesday, April 11 for the next part in this three-part series! Haven't watched something, and don't want spoilers? The notion of treating the Star Wars saga as two alternate universes is not new, nor is the counter-proposal of treating them as part of one, overall continuity. The best place to put this would be before the Darth Bane books (already confirmed as Legends). Luckily, telling the difference between Canon and Legends books is really simple, though not necessarily obvious. Apparently this is an appeal to ignorance. Step 3: Tell a story that creates two alternate universes. Claiming Canon characters are capable of performing Legends feats in the absence of a contradiction is not an appeal to ignorance at all. Delve into what really matters in the debate between Star Wars Canon and Legends. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. And if any contradictions do arise, the problematic Legends content will be removed. This project was made in support of the authors behind the #DisneyMustPay movement. 16. And these current rules and principles being applied to content moving forward simply cannot be stamped on past content they bear no relevance towards.
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