Your article is obviously not written in an objective manner. And what now? Don’t tell me how a man behaves and what research he produces are two different things. And Raoult is the central figure in this international Il pleut de la merde. The media and AMA doesn’t seem to want you to hear about it. Oooh, that’s rich. If somebody has a hint that something might be working based on observation, then it should be presented that way. Apparently no difference but this is all we have and doesn't fit to inclusion criteria. About Dr Barraud alias fluidloading (which never denied to be Dr Barraud), here is most of his attacks on Pr Raoult, look at this link, Raoult treats patients who come to IHU-Marseille, therefore statistically more motivated by symptoms than in the Pasteur survey. 🔔 Rendez-vous sur la chaine YouTube de l'IHU Méditerranée Infection pour visionner le dernier bulletin d'informations scientifiques du Pr Raoult. Required fields are marked *. This cannot be correct!. And in the last study, he had 8 deaths out of 1061 patients, 0.75% is a bit more but it included 474 co-morbidities, you can’t tell that it’s only the easy cases. The ones that are border-line are the one insulting a peer on a emotional basis, even sending death threats to him. This is not a surprise, based on experience from SARS-Cov, MERS-Cov and seasonal influenza virus. Is the inventor of chloroquine cure for COVID-19, the French microbiologist Didier Raoult, sane? It is a herbal TCM concoction, the trial had 4 arms with 3 different Shuanghuanglian quantity, plus control arm. 25/02/2020 – “Before we can influence mortality statistics in France, things will have to change a lot” in his “Coronavirus: a risk of pandemic?” video (, I could also quote him on his “visions” about the climate but it’s out of his scope of proficiency. Pingback: De linke weekendbijlage (17-2020) - Kloptdatwel? “. One in Italy tweeted yesterday that only 20 patients out of 65,000 users contracted Covid in Italy. Chloroquine is about to become a major embarrassment for everyone. Period. If you download the original Renesto et al. That would be apples and oranges. Including in France. Citations d'un des plus grands chefs militaires de l'histoire de France : le Maréchal Ferdinand Foch. That was sure something unexpected for Raoult, after the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has visited his lab just days before and described Raoult as “great scientist”. He even treated 14 year old children with chloroquine as part of his 1000 patients trial (Table 1 here, recruitment age was >12 years old), which is actually quite illegal. The paper, published on 14 April, concludes against the use of hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 hypoxic pneumonia patients and mentions: “Eight patients receiving HCQ (9.5%) experienced electrocardiogram modifications requiring HCQ discontinuation.“. I really don’t get this argument that “urgency of the situation excuses some of it”. Control group was treated with azithromycin.Nearly dying patients with lymphopenia were treated with hydroxychloroquine.Fraudulent study. PARIS — Sitting behind his desk in a hospital in the southern French city of Marseille, Didier Raoult has convinced thousands, including the U.S. president, that a common antimalarial drug can save people infected by the coronavirus.. Just adding for the record that despite his own exclusion criteria Pr Raoult did enroll 10 y/o children, for which there is a 3 years jail sentence + 45k euros fine. Bik blogged about that Brazilian “study”, where 636 patients, distance-assessed by telemedicine only, themselves decided which drug to take after they self-diagnosed themselves with COVID-19 (sic!). Go read the paper that claims HCQ leads to higher death rate. These variables represent the cases reported by respective health authorities based on medical records and are independent of the number of tests performed. If you treat shingles after 48 hours Valcyclovir is not effective. Citizens For Responsible Care and Research (CIRCARE), Follow For Better Science on just for starters. The ethics approval references a clinical trial with Daowen as principal investigator, which however used only one drug: Shuanghuanglian. Have you read Dr. Magagnoli et al’s study on outcomes of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients in the VA and checked whether Dr. Raoult’s criticisms of it are valid? The treatment costs nothing and this is what is annoying them all!!!! Politicians asking for an immediate solution to get people back to work asap in addition to damaged health systems in many countries, including the richest, already play a strongly negative role. Making huge profit out of this crisis by big pharma and their corrupted allies is the sole motive! And anyway, Raoult and his colleagues “deemed it ethically unacceptable to conduct a therapeutic trial“. Découvrez nos offres, Aix : leur métier, nettoyeurs... de scènes de crime. Les champs marqués d'un « * » sont obligatoires. Philippe Parola par Sonia Mabrouk sur CNEWS Confinement, Ski et Vaccin. He namely attacked the data integrity expert Elisabeth Bik, on Twitter and in full Trump manner: The witchhunter @MicrobiomDigest is not attentive to details when she judges that a study is useful to her paranoiac fights! Non, je, je, je suis pas d’accord avec ça, euh, d’une part ce que nous avons fait, c’est ce que, ce que, ce qu’il se fait de plus simplement, c’est à dire quand on fait un essai thérapeutique si vous voulez, quand les choses deviennent significative, on, on a, c’est, c’est de l’éthique basal hein, l’éthique n’a rien avoir avec la méthodologie, c’est deux choses distincte, l’éthique basal c’est que quand on a la preuve que quelque chose marche, et on doit le faire à mi-chemin, quand on a la preuve que quelque chose marche on arrête l’essai et donc je suis désolé que vous n’aimiez pas mon essai, moi je l’aime beaucoup et je trouve qu’il a toute les bases d’un essai de la seule manière de faire des essais qui est de faire des essais comparatifs et d’avoir une différence significative et contrairement à ce que vous dites et ça alors là, je m’excuse mais c’est une erreur RADICALE, moins il y a de gens quand c’est significatif alors plus c’est significatif. In 14 patients with paired samples, respiratory secretion at day 4 was negative in only one patient.”. Please stop manipulating people it doesn’t work anymore. Bik then provided an update on 20 April: “It was announced today that the study described below has been suspended because of ethical violations. Afterwards, the study’s authors somehow pulled up the numbers of who died and who went to intensive care, and fabricated p-values which did not fit. Even more schizophrenically: all studies which Raoult designed in advance, with the explicit purpose to prove his therapy, were declared “retrospective” to deny the need for an ethics approval. These keywords are listed because Raoult firmly believes that it is unethical NOT to treat COVID-19 patients with chloroquine, and every doctor who insists on scientific process and evidence, breaches the Hippocratic oath of not doing harm. Wow ! There seems to be a clear pattern how Raoult evaluates scientific studies. OK we somehow face the unknown, but it’s not like we have no approach to deal with urgent situations, no knowledge gained from past pandemics and nobody except Raoult working on it. That was sure something unexpected for Raoult, after the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has visited his lab just days before and described Raoult as “great scientist”. Where the extra 158 patients and the HCQ group came from, is anyone’s guess, unless invented they were borrowed from different trials or hospitals. Timing is everything. ): Un manuscrit dont la publication devrait faire parler : expérimentation de la bithérapie HCQ+AZ au Brésil. Instead, he lets his loyal bootlickers attack his critics. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. C’est que des gens qui dans les hôpitaux ont traités un peu comme ils voulaient qui a la fin on dit “regardez comment on compare”, donc il faut pas mettre les choses à l’envers, j’étais avant un grand scientifique et je suis resté un grand scientifique après avoir publié ça. Moreover, this depends on the amount of tests performed, so unreliable. So why do I say that about the author? In 11% of patients QTc increased to >500 ms, representing high risk group for arrhythmia. Expressed these stats (as you indicate) on % basis, gives a mortality rate for France as 17.73%. Connectez-vous pour réagir à cet article. He tweeted his YouTube video, saying that he prefers to have his studies assessed by “confined people” at his institute than by some external reviewers he cannot control: "Je reçois beaucoup de mails qui analysent les données disponibles, parfois de manière beaucoup plus profonde et professionnelle que dans les journaux scientifiques. I’d say that urgency implies reinforced attention, because a mistake could have enormous consequences when thousands of lives are on the line. This is why chloroquine proponents changed their stance and now scream that it is wrong to treat very sick COVID-19 patients with chloroquine. But danger starts when you trick people. Or several of small tips, just increase the amount as you like (2x=€10; 5x=€25). see page 6 for inclusion criteria : “two primary criteria: i) age >12 years;” The development of acute renal failure but not baseline QTc was a strong predictor of extreme QTc prolongation.”. Note that Mahevas et al are a French team of researchers. He writes : "I declare no competing interests. Not a fan of Raoult at all but it is unfair to compare the mortality rate in his studies to the estimated infection fatality rate (0.53%) as the latter is necessarily much lower. Enrolling them if enough to violate the law even if they are part of the control group, since in a normal study groups are randomized and nor the doctors nor the patients know who is in which group. Will be better for all of us dear Mr.Nobody. Si vous êtes obligés d’avoir dix mille personnes dans un essai pour montrer une significativité c’est qu’il n’y a aucune différences, parce que je vais vous dire, il y a quinze pour-cent des gens qui ne prennent même pas les médicaments que l’on leur prescrit, quand vous cherchez une différence de 1%, vous n’êtes plus dans de la médecine, vous êtes dans du fantasme méthodologique donc tout essai qui comporte plus de mille personnes est un essai qui cherche à démontrer quelque chose qui n’existe pas et je suis désolé mais c’est une des bases de la statistique et je vous assure que je suis un très bon méthodologiste, donc c’est du fantasme qu’on vous répète… qu’on répète à tour de bras qui est véhiculée par des gens qui sont des méthodologistes qui ne comprennent rien à la science. To be updated, proper randomized controlled clinical trials on chloroquine against COVID-19 are ongoing and might soon deliver results. Obviously it is easy to cure patients who are not really that sick in the first place. Problem is, having cemented his totalitarian power at IHU, having stifled all dissent years ago and having surrounded himself by loyal yes-sayers only, there is nobody to tell Raoult that he is making an utter arse of himself, in public and even on video. Maybe he will replace azythromycine with TCM now? In 1 day. Raoult is aping not only Trump’s language of “witchhunting” and “fake news”, but also his deployment of tactical hypocrisy. HCQ works. Problem is, that especially the combination of the immunosuppressive hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycine, as promoted by Raoult, has very serious side effects which can lead to death. Its clearly to early to use data and studies. Please forget politics, stupid conspiratory theories and ideology and take care while waiting for a vaccine to be developed. Sweden, which initially followed Raoult’s teachings and started to treat COVID-19 patients with chloroquine, swiftly aborted the method when patients developed severe side effects. The microbiologist Raoult is director of the Institut hospitalo-universitaire en maladies infectieuses de Marseille (IHU Méditerranée Infection) and its URMITE department, which was previously funded by the French research networks CNRS and INSERM. La dernière vidéo de Didier Raoult publiée mardi 8 septembre a été supprimée sur YouTube, a indiqué le professeur marseillais jeudi 10 sur Twitter. Raoult’s J’accuse partners are IHU group leader Philippe Broiqui and clinic head Matthieu Million. Tide is turning for the media-savvy French professor Didier Raoult and his chloroquine, even US President Donald Trump is suddenly barely even mentioning the miracle drug for COVID-19. Novartis to sponsor large-scale clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized COVID-19 patients #COVID19 #coronavirus #NovartisNews. After that, let’s look at Bahrain, and Turkey. Fake news“. Le 24 juin dernier, Didier Raoult était longuement auditionné par l’Assemblée nationale. Where did you hear that? Formerly molecular cell biologist. Very serious,very,very serious .Stay “independent Cartoonist ” . In Morocco and South Korea the same protocol has proven extremely efficient with lowest mortality rates in the world. In 1984, Raoult created the Rickettsia Unit at Aix-Marseille University (AMU). And while we’re at it, the author doesn’t seem to understand that chloroquine is not the same as HCQ. I cannot agree more. Its all the same. Do check the references here. Only one molecule difference, but vastly different properties. Seen from France he was a visionary that refuse this stupid general confinement and that very early asker fot the TTT’s way of the South Korea. HCQ does work. Regardless of the obviously repeatedly rigged peer review process, that wretched first Gautret et al IJAA 2020 paper serves as the ONLY clinical study on which the pharma giant Novartis bases its newly announced phase 3 clinical trial in USA, on 440 patients. Nobody at Marseille laughed or told Raoult to check himself in into an asylum. Raoult (or maybe his personal assistant in charge of social media) tweeted his views: “The witchhunter @MicrobiomDigest is not attentive to details when she judges that a study is useful to her paranoiac fights!Control group was treated with azithromycin.Nearly dying patients with lymphopenia were treated with hydroxychloroquine.Fraudulent study. Vidéo - Pr Raoult : "Les mesures sociales qui sont prises pour contrôler l'épidémie n'ont pas d'effet sur le coronavirus" In that same video, Raoult is saying things which make less and less sense: “Maybe I was capable of responding to this situation because I’m part African and part of my ancestry leave me with the idea that we should treat infectious diseases“, Source: IHU Méditerranée-Infection – La leçon des épidémies courtes – 21 avril 2020 ( @MicrobiomDigest @gorskon @Dereklowe @fxcoudertMore translation with more context and timestamps: excuse me in Greece we do not apply such protocol. L'occasion pour le directeur général de l'IHU d'analyser que "les mesures sociales qui sont prises pour contrôler l'épidémie ont probablement eu un rôle bénéfique sur la disparition des infections respiratoires et digestives, mais pas du tout sur le Covid". So now Raoult endorses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a chloroquine adjuvant. And only after Raoult denounced controls and other basics of clinical research as unethical. Maybe this is because the only clinical data supporting the malaria drug chloroquine cure against coronavirus comes from Raoult himself. You come to my site to complain that Dr Barraud doesn’t bring enough respect for Pr Raoult? Raoult’s follow up clinical trial with 80 patients treated with chloroquine and azithromycine and without any control arm (criticised by Bik above) was published in a different Elsevier journal, and accepted the next day after submission. Moreover, could they inform the public about the clinical outcome of these patients? The manuscript lists these key words: “SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; hydroxychloroquine; azithromycin; ethics; Hippocratic oath“. Really, he does: First paper showing a significant effect of hydroxychloroquine on the fatality rate of severe forms of COVID-19.Attenuation of the inflammatory cytokine storm? Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Didier Raoult" topic with Google News. The last two strongly suggest that there is a kind of religious mass psychosis going on at IHU. Avec une confirmation cette fois qu'aucun consentement n'a été demandé. After dealing with Bik, Raoult tweeted his criticism about a study by his French colleagues in Paris and their study Mahevas et al medRxiv 2020. The French newspaper Entreprendre cited his letter to Robert Lafont, the CEO of this publishing house. This horrendous ethics breach passed peer review at Elsevier with flying colours. Not the one done by his US peers in the Veterans Affairs hospitals, that was a “fraudulent” and “fake news”. The author is a cartoonist. We can see all those greedy for popularity wanna be expert doctors with over 10+ years in their field and nowhere on the level of Raoult showing up in ALL medias on a daily basis, criticizing his work. On 20 April 2020, news came of Raoult being in serious legal trouble with the French authorities because of his human experiments with chloroquine: “The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), which did not authorize the second study on hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil *, Sanofi) conducted at the institute hospital-university (IHU) in Marseille by Pr Didier Raoult, awaits that the investigators bring objective elements to demonstrate its observational nature, indicated Dominique Martin in an interview with APMnews.”. In the context of this discussion, I mentioned the mortality rate as the percentage of deaths within the population of people currently infected with COVID-19. In this double-blinded phase IIb clinical trial, all patients were treated just as Raoult says, with hydroxychloroquine+azithromycine only, without those evil controls Raoult hates? But what about the treatment itself? The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, as on April 22, 2020, reports for France 117 324 total cases, and 20 796 death cases. I stopped reading this page immediately because this is clearly a propaganda page. I guess even Clyde is some mothers precious child though. Convince me that it exists! Why don’t you talk to doctors that are really using HCQ in the hospital and ask them if it works? They gave all patients that were in the most critical state HCQ and then they conclude that HCQ increases deaths. Nucléaire : l'Iran exhorte les Européens à faire plier Washington, Castex et Darmanin au commissariat de Creil après des échauffourées la semaine dernière, Coronavirus : plus de 5 400 patients en réanimation, la pression s'accroît sur les hôpitaux, OM-Dijon : Leonardo Balerdi est votre Olympien du match, Soudan : les affrontements tribaux au Darfour-Ouest ont fait 40 morts, Jordanie : le roi Abdallah II a pris l'initiative d'une médiation avec le prince Hamza. The “great scientist” believes in his delirium to be actually just like a World War I general, commanding thousands of men to get out the trenches and die for the glory of France. Mean through blood concentration of hydroxychloroquine was 678 ng/mL (range: 381–891) at days 3–7 after treatment initiation. It is a complete collage. Please try to explain it away…but it sounds like a darn good prophylaxis. Mais je peux vous dire et il faut arrêter, il faut regarder les livres médicaux, il faut regarder en maladies infectieuses combien il y a d’essais… combien il y a de thérapeutique qui sont utilisés actuellement qui ont été basées sur des essais randomisés et vous verrez, il y en a pas beaucoup et le peu qu’il y a étés en particulier pour le Sida et étaient totalement inutile parce qu’il suffisait de faire des charges virales. Your email address will not be published. Raoult was possibly made to resign his job, he was cited to go to China already this summer. The same is true for HCQ. You undermine your credibility with your extreme polemic personal attacks. Either it’s illegal or it’s legal. Are you saying that Raoult is a fraud, Zelenko is a fraud, South Dakota is a fraud, the country of Bahrain is a fraud, along with 1000’s of doctors around the world? What do they have in common? PS it doesn’t matter if they were in the “control” group or not, they were part of the study. I look forward to seeing their paper once it is published. I have and conclude Dr. Raoult’s rightly points out its serious flaws. The online article was swiftly deleted, but here is a backup. He just healed patients that were showing up at his hospital, he wasn’t in a clinical trial and never was. Yet an observational study on 11 patients from Paris (Molina et al 2020) reported already on 30 March “no evidence of rapid antiviral clearance or clinical benefit”: “At the time of treatment initiation, 10/11 had fever and received nasal oxygen therapy. The study made all the big news, maybe because it was the first one from the US. If you are interested to support my work, you can leave here a small tip of $5. That is if the truth is allowed to prevail. Wow! see page 22 for data on patients (two 10 y/o children were included in the study) Dirigé par le Pr. We do have laws in France, and they respected it. Pull back the curtain, and you will find there are several doctors in the US who are saying they are successfully using HCQ to prevent hospitalizations and deaths. Chloroquine witchdoctor Didier Raoult: barking mad and dangerous. Bik found even more irregularities in his papers, which makes sense: a bullying and totalitarian research environment with a personality cult, where compliance and fear rule, can only produce unreliable or falsified research. Now, the preprint by the Tongji cardiologist Wang Daowen and colleagues claims all 568 patients received “baseline treatments [..] of antiviral drugs (Lopinavir and Ritonavir, Entecavir hydrate, or Ribavirin)“. Untrue. Raoult et la Chloroquine : les failles 22 mars 2020 Par Olivier_Belli Dans le club Scientists generally understand that and it is acceptable in urgent situations. This guy has been trolling science for years.
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