MORNING REFLECTIONS: Stolen sleep? Think again!
Sunday, 7. September 2014
Dornava Mansion at 11.00
Richard Tognetti - program author, violin
Per Rundberg - piano
Sergei Prokofiev: Five Melodies for violin and piano, Op. 35bis (1925)
Arvo Pärt: Fratres for violin and piano (1980)
Claude Debussy: Sonata in G Minor, L 140, for violin and piano (1917)
Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata for violin and piano No. 10 in G Major Op. 96 (1812)
Stolen sleep? Think again!
What exactly is a matinée concert? The name comes from the French word “matin” – morning. Thus, it is the daytime concert. Yes, daytime. Because quite ironically (or perhaps because French is obviously still French for many) most of the matinées are held in the early afternoon.
But this definition does not explain what makes a matinée so special we simply have to do it every year (as every respectable festival in the world does). And it doesn't say anything about – we have to admit – a slightly tarnished reputation a matinée concert still have in the eyes of many. Namely, quite a few people still consider a matinée to be: A) a concert that the big stars just don't want to do (and so they don't); B) a concert which in order to sell has to have cheap tickets (no wonder – see section A!); C) a concert the seniors snore through, the ladies chat through, and the children scream through.
Well, those of you who agree obviously haven't been to any of the Festival Maribor matinées. Here nothing of the above applies because – frankly – we do them right: A) they are held in the mornings; B) big stars do them, C) so far no snorting, chatting, let alone screaming was noticed, so we must be doing something right with the programming as well.
And the special part? Well, can you imagine a better way of starting a lazy late summer Sunday than with some exquisite music and a glass of excellent wine...
Apropos music - Richard Tognetti and per Rundberg perform three violin sonatas, Prokofiev’s virtuosic and lyrical showpiece, Debussy’s powerful last-ever completed work and the final and most reflective of Beethoven’s violin sonatas.The concert opens with Prokofiev’s lyrical and graceful melodies and Fratres, described by Tognetti as "Arvo Pärt at his instrumental best."
If that's not special enough for you then you might just as well stay in bed. But when your pillows become uncomfortable, when your back start aching and when the regret kicks in (and it undoubtedly will), please do not blame us. We did our best to warn you, didn't we?